Témoignage: un très beau témoignage venu de Suède

Un énorme sourire ce soir en lisant ce mail envoyé par Magnus, 2ksuniste suédois s’étant enregistré il y a tout juste un an. Je vous laisse savourer ce témoignage illustré, nous faisant découvrir un plan d’eau vraiment particulier et visiblement assez exceptionnel.

I just wanted to send you some photos from a trip we did last summer. The photos are taken on Alskär, a small island in the Stockholm archipelago (N 59° 17.646′, E 18° 59.129′) Here is a link to a chart: http://kartor.eniro.se/m/pbzfv. Alskär is situated in the outer archipelago and is only accessible in good weather.
Startboad side with tentTo cope with the not so reliable weather in Sweden we have equipped our boat with a custom made tent. This gives us a fantastic place to cook and eat even when the rain is pouring down.Big Dog It is also the sleeping place for our 50 kilo dog Jack, who loves to sail.
We have no tide in the Baltic sea but literally thousands of shallow bays unaccessible to larger boats. The Sun 2000 is the perfect boat for exploring those places over weekends or longer trips.
Swedish summerShallow waterLast autumn I made a 24 hour (almost) non stop solo trip  in my boat for the first time. Navigating around the islands using lighthouses (and a handheld GPS plotter) in total darkness was one of my best sailing experiences ever.
I just wanted to share some memories from the northern parts of Europe and if you have plans to take your boat to enjoy the swedish coasts, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best regards
Magnus L., Stockholm Sweden

Un grand merci à Magnus! Mais je sens que cette tente va en intéresser plus d’un… A suivre.

Cet article a été publié dans accessoire, Ameliorations, Anecdote, Astuces, Communauté, confort, Photo, reportage, sun 2000, Témoignage. Ajoutez ce permalien à vos favoris.

10 commentaires pour Témoignage: un très beau témoignage venu de Suède

  1. Olivier (Bakea VI) dit :

    Je trouve bien conçu et je vois très bien l’ensemble sur la petite plage de l’herbe à l’abri du vent un soir du mois d’aout (derniere semaine) après avoir diné au petit restaurant dans le village ostréiculteur ou alors au banc d’arguin dans la conche. Le bateau est vraiment très propre et les houses de parebattages s’accordent très bien avec l’ensemble.
    Et cerise sur le gateau l’ensemble semble démontable facilement. Si en plus le propriétaire à une remorque pour transporter le sun c’est Patrick qui va devenir fou!!!
    Le lieu où est ancré ce sun à l’air magnifique surtout qu’en regardant de plus près la photo on voit au loin la terre.

  2. Jerome /UKA dit :

    Le sun/caravane passe et les chiens aboient ……..

    Tainnnnnnnnnn, on en a des ballades à faire !!! C’est le nouveau FB, on a des amis partout !! En tout cas c’est super, le site devient vraiment international, quelle récompense pour notre « ouebmaster » !!!

    Aller, au boulot, en attendant faut aller bosser, on revera un peu en attendant !!
    Bravo Magnus !!

    Top bis !!

  3. Patrick-Erak dit :

    Hello Magnus,

    The above comments are all (like me) jealous of your glorious tent set up on your sun.

    Quite tempting sailing on the Baltic. Please continue sending reports of your future navigations.

    If I am not mistaken, a colleague of ours (with a First 18, Pilpouz who is quoted frequently on this site) went once for a three week navigation in your latitude; but I don’t remember if it was in Finland or your country.

    You seeem to have a solar panel on your sun. Are you happy about it ? Do you have a 10, 20 or 30 w. I am considering buying one for navigation equipement, portable phone, VHF, inside lighting and navigation light and possibly a small laptop.

    Impressive how your boat is well maitained. Congratulations.

    And of course you have an open invitation to visit us in Arcachon (as you have noticed plenty of sun and friends will be waiting for you).

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Patrick Erak

  4. Magnus dit :

    Thank you for your comments! If you have any plans to take your boat to Sweden (or Finland) please don’t hesitate to contact me for ideas, and if you plan to visit the Stockholm archipelago maybe we could sail together.

    My solar panel is a 32W flexible panel which charges two 80Ah batteries. I plan to rebuilt the electric installation this spring. The main current consumers are the autopilot, a small portable fridge and a handheld GPS plotter. The solar panel is at least powerful enough to supply the fridge and if i start with fully charged batteries they last at least a couple of days as long as I don’t run my stereo or computer to much. 🙂

    We still have 40 cm of snow in Stockholm and the sea is covered with 30 cm of solid ice. It will take at least another six or seven weeks until it is time for the first sailing trip for the year.

    Best regards


  5. Thomas dit :

    Hej Magnus,
    as Patrick said, Pilpouz (First18) went in sweden for a 3 weeks sailing trip in august 2007.
    We drove close to 30 hours and we left our car and trailer in Lidköping, on Vänern Lake.
    Amazing landscapes, fresh and clean water, so few people on the lake, we were in paradise…
    We took care about mosquitos, but unfortunately, we couldn’t imagine how weather in sweden is « not so reliable » as you said….
    On this picture, you can have an idea about how we managed this little rain problem:


    I have to be honest, our technical solution was not so modern and sophisticated as yours.
    I’d be really interressed in details showing the way you made this incredible swedish tent.



  6. Patrick-Erak dit :

    I am not poliglot like Thomas of Pilpouz, so I will stick to Hi as opposed to Hej.

    Hey, Magnus, your post is generating the most intense international exchange we have ever seen so far on this site.

    As Jerome is saying our « woobheymaster » Mat should be very proud of his creation.

    It’s quite great to communicate like that without any afterthought.

    I am surprised Lorenzo or Admiral Jean Louis haven’t yet brought in some wise and well grounded technical contribution …. but it may only be a matter of time. Among the possible topics are :
    1. How to tent above our ship ? Blue or white, that is the question.or
    2. The dream electrical set up for small cruising sailboat.

    I sign off quite happy to be part of this open maritime community.

    Thanks everyone.

    Patrick Erak

  7. Mouille col dit :

    Ola Magnus y Lorenzo !

    If you have still 30 cm of solid ice on your own waterpool, why don’t you fit your Sun 2000 with long
    blades in order to skate ? I think it would be possible to run over 11 kts…

    « amzer zo » Patrick, je viens juste de découvrir le mot de Magnus et vos commentaires, il faut me laisser le temps d’aller sur le site découvrir les nouveautés.

  8. Magnus dit :

    I actually have a small « iceboat » with a wind surfing sail. it can easily do 30-40 knots in the right conditions. The problem this winter is that we have too much snow on the ice.

    The problem with fitting blades to the Sun is that it will probably go too fast for the sails. 🙂



  9. Patrick-Erak dit :

    Hej Ola Magnus and Jean Louis,

    Jean Louis I think you have found your match in Sweeden.

    That is a geek like you, mad about sailing and ice blading. For your info Magnus Jean Louis is also a great fan of « char à voile « , that is sail machine with wheels on which you seat and racing on big beaches (and over here our beaches are quite big, actually that all we have gigantic space of sand beaches going from Bordeaux 250 km south to Bayonne.

    I am sure JL will post some photgraphs of his wind char experience.

    I can see also your great sense of humour which more than fit with the spirit of sun2K.

    Good evening.


  10. sun2k dit :

    All those comments make me so happy and proud. Keep going!!!
    Je publierai un article sur la tente de cockpit dans les prochaines semaines. J’avais prévenu Magnus que ça allait en intéresser plus d’un…

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