Communauté: Bienvenue à un nouveau Sun 2000 finlandais!

Belle nouvelle: un sun 2000 de plus dans la communauté…. Cerise sur le gateau (glacé), il vient de Finlande! Voici le mail reçu ce matin de Matti, son propriétaire:

 » Hello,
Sun 2000 finlandaisMy name is Matti L., and I live in Savonlinna, Finland.
Last august we bought a new Sun 2000 (#1269) for our family, and since that I’ve been monitoring your sun2k pages. I write in english because I cant understand a single word of french. So I don’t understand what you are discussing on your forum, but I enjoy watching Couleurs finlandaisespictures of other Sun 2000’s, modifications etc. I am waiting for summer – last autumn we had only few opportunities to sail our new boat. Now our lakes have 50cm of ice…
Best regards, Matti L. « 

Et la suite, encore plus prometteuse:

Brrrr » It is very nice that nowadays people who have same hobbies etc. can contact easily around the world!
I know that there are at least 6 of Sun 2000’s in Finland. I wonder why there is not more of them, because it seems to be very good boat and with it’s only 30cm – to 1.60m lifting keel is very versatile at Finnish lakes…

At wednesday 3.3.2010 Finnish Vene -magazine is publishing a test article about « small lively » sailingboats (Sun 2000, Malbec 200 and Skippi 650 Cruiser).

It is actually our boat that is on that test, so I am anxliously waiting to read that test! Our boat was also (before shipping to Savonlinna) at last august on Finland’s biggest Boat-Afloat show at HSK yacht club marina in Lauttasaari, Helsinki.

This is indeed very beutiful area to sail. We are surrounded by beautiful blue lake Saimaa. Maybe we will sail together someday, if you are visiting Finland? Savonlinna is known for it’s summer operafestival.

I will post some pictures, questions etc. I have A LOT to do with our new boat: LED lights, heater, tapes, solar panel + battery?, laminate floorboards?, assemble the opening deck hatch, learn how to use asymmetrical spinnaker…

Waiting for summer,
Matti «,28.873444&spn=0.194251,0.411987&z=10&output=embed
Afficher Sun 2000 du Bassin d’Arcachon et d’ailleurs… sur une carte plus grande

Si vous allez voir, la situation géographique de Savonlinna, vous pourrez en effet constater que c’est littéralement entouré de plans d’eau, au point de zoomer pour vérifier où est la terre et où est l’eau. Nous attendons donc avec impatience les prochaines photos de « Else », puisque c’est le nom de son sun 2000, dans cet environnement visiblement spectaculaire.

Cet article a été publié dans Anecdote, Communauté, Jeanneau, Photo, sun 2000, Témoignage. Ajoutez ce permalien à vos favoris.

3 commentaires pour Communauté: Bienvenue à un nouveau Sun 2000 finlandais!

  1. Patrick-Erak dit :

    Hello Matti and very warm welcome to you and Savonlinna on the sun2K web community.

    Mathieu who is our mentor should be very proud to see that we have now an enthousisatic Finnish member.

    Fascinating your post. I don’t know where to start. Impressive the program of upgrades you plan to do on your boat. You should have some good handycraft talent.

    Your invitation to sail in Finland is more than tempting. For work I have visited your country on a few occasions and I have kept such memory of this no ending natural environment, full of lakes, beautiful trees where people seem to have found quite a life equilibrum. The type of which actually we are trying to preserve on our Bassin d’Arcachon. So we reciprocate the invitation; however as you will see it’s a little bit more crowded here unfortunatly.

    You mention other sun 2000 in Finland. Is there a way to entice them to register on the site. If you think it can help, you can post an artcicle in Finnish; I am sure Mathieu will publish it.

    I am going to go on the website Vene begining of March to see more of your boat.

    Finally I am an opera amateur, so I take note of Saimaa.

    Looking forward to hearing more of you and our other Finish sun2k sailors.

    All the best

    Patrick Erak

  2. Jean-louis dit :

    I’ am tout à fait d’accord avec Patrick bien que je n’aie pas encore pris le temps de lire plus que les 2 premières lignes de son commentaire.
    Avant hier, dès que j’ai lu la mise à jour du recensement, je me suis précipité sur GOOGLE EARTH pour localiser SAVONLINNA.
    J’ai du mal à apprécier la taille des plans d’eau qui sont à tous les coins de rue.
    Si j’étais à la place de Matti actuellement, j’enlèverais les roues de mon char à voile pour y mettre des patins pour la glace.
    je laisse le soin à un autre de traduire…
    à bientôt Matti !

  3. Jerome /UKA dit :

    Welcome on board Matti !!!

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